Rank-and-file workers vs. the bureaucracy


I’m Will Lehman, a rank-and-file Mack Trucks worker running for UAW president. I participated in a debate of candidates for president of the UAW on Thursday, September 22.

If you agree with the program and perspective I put forward at this debate, then make the decision to join and build this rank-and-file movement:

What I’m fighting for:

  • A mass, rank-and-file movement must return power to the shop floor!

  • Abolish the UAW apparatus

  • Full rank-and-file control over all UAW assets, along with bargaining and vote counting

  • A program to fight for what we need, not what the corporations say is acceptable

1. Fill out the form to join this rank-and-file campaign.

How to get involved

2. Distribute leaflets at your workplace. Help us get the word out.

3. Donate to my campaign

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